Business Owners Policies (BOP) for businesses in Florida can combine property coverage, liability protection, business interruption insurance and other coverages. Combining these coverages into one policy can cost less than purchasing separate policies.
Your business may need separate coverage for your commercial automobile fleets, workers compensation and group employee benefits like health and life insurance. Let one of our business owners policies specialists find the right coverage for you today. Contact Us to find out more about Business Owners policies in the central Florida area.
We can provide insurance for nearly any type of business. Following are just a few of the business types for which we have provided insurance coverage.
- Business Offices
- Contractors
- Fleet Vehicles
- Garage Liability
- Medical Offices
- Repair Shops
- Restaurants
- Retail Stores
- Shopping Plaza Stores
Following are some examples of other coverage that may be available in your BOP business policy. Please Contact Us if you would like details about how these coverages can be applied to your policy:
- Accounts Receivable
- Additional Insured Lessor of Leased Equipment
- Arson Reward Coverage
- Automatic Increase in Insurance – Building
- Bodily Injury, Property Damage, and Medical Expenses
- Business Income and Extra Expense
- Business Income from Dependent Properties
- Business Income (Extended) – Extended Period of Indemnity
- Business Interruption
- Business Liability
- Business Personal Property
- Business Personal Property Seasonal Increase
- Data Breach
- Damage to Premises Rented To You
- Debris Removal
- Electronic Data Additional Coverage
- Employee Dishonesty
- Equipment Breakdown
- Fine Arts
- Fire Department Service Charge
- Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge Expense
- Forgery and Alteration
- Fungi or Bacteria Coverage
- Glass Coverage
- Identity Fraud
- Increased Cost of Construction
- Interruption of Computer Operations
- Inventory or Appraisals
- Lock and Key Replacement
- Medical Payments
- Merchant Chargeback Advocacy
- Mitigation Services
- Money and Securities
- Money Orders and Counterfeit Paper
- Newly Acquired Property Coverage Extension
- On Premises Swimming Pool
- Outdoor Property
- Patterns
- Personal Effects
- Personal Injury and Advertising Injury
- Personal Property Off Premises (Including Transit)
- Pollutant Clean Up and Removal
- Products – Completed Operations
- Professional Liability
- Property Damage Liability – Borrowed
- Signs – Attached
- Spoilage Coverage
- Supplementary Payments
- Valuable Papers and Records
- Wind and Hail